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Nutrition tips for a healthy life

A healthy diet has massive benefits for your health, both inside and out. When you eat what is right for your body gives you more more energy, and improves the appearance of your skin and hair, it can also reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases.

There is so much conflicting nutrition advice out there, however we have collated a number of simple and widely accepted tips to help you improve your diet.

The link between diet and health

According to a 2003 report commissioned by the WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); 'a diet low in energy-dense foods that are high in saturated fats and sugars, and abundant in fruit and vegetables, together with an active lifestyle are among the key measures to combat chronic diseases'.

WHO recommends the following:
Fruit and vegetables: their consumption is linked to reduced risk of stroke, reduced heart disease as well as a lower risk or developing certain types of cancers.
Sugar consumption and total fat consumption (saturated and polyunsaturated fat): linked to obesity, heart disease, other vascular diseases,and stroke.
Alcohol consumption: linked not only to risky behavior that can endanger the lives of individuals but also certain types of cancers, liver cirrhosis, stroke, and other risks.

Another issue dictated by an unhealthy lifestyle, also mentioned by WHO, is obesity in both adults and children, with significant risks for children who present with weight issues.

According to WHO in 2017 there were 38m overweight children under the age of five around the world. That number increased from 32m to 38m between 2005 and 2017, with more than two thirds of obese children living in low and middle-income countries.

How to improve your diet:

Skip fast food

Most of us lead a busy and sometimes hectic lifestyle and fast food chains offer inexpensive and filling options. The downside is that these foods are usually unhealthy, low in fiber and protein and filled with added sugar.

Drink enough water

Replacing sugary fizzy drinks with water can have a number of health benefits and can even promote calorie burn.

According to the Journal of Nutrition, a publication of the American Society for Nutrition, the consumption of alcoholic and sugar-sweetened beverages is “associated with increased liver fat content in middle-aged men and women.” A clinical trial published in the same Journal in April 2019 states that “Each extra alcoholic serving per day was associated with more liver fat” while "replacing 5 per cent of total alcohol intake with milk was associated with less liver fat.”

The trial found that increased intake of alcohol and sugars could contribute to liver fat accumulatiom.

Don't forget protein

High protein intake, by adding a healthy source of protein, like nuts, eggs, fish or lean meat to all of your main meals, can have several health benefits and it maintains healthy muscle mass as you age. .

Skip frying

We all love French fries and we're not saying that you can't have them from time to time, however, for overall health it's beeter to opt for baked, roasted or even grilled foods rather than fried.

Eat fruit and veg

Pairing vegetables with carbs and protein is important for a balanced meal. As far as fruit juices are concerned, a healthier option is to skip the juice and eat the fruit as is.

Other benefits of a healthy diet

Having a healthy diet also benefits the way we look. Healthy, shiny hair has long been associated with good health.

The right foods can also prevent hair loss and can help increase hair growth. Good food for your hair includes protein and vegetables that contain iron, such as spinach, natural sources of vitamin A and E, such as carrots, lettuce, avocado, pine nuts and sunflower seeds, as well as sources of vitamin C, like kiwi, strawberries or red peppers.

According to an article, titled 'Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use', published by Dermatology Practical and Conceptual, there is a link between dietary habits and hair loss. According to the report: “Iron deficiency is the world’s most common nutritional deficiency and a well-known cause of hair loss”. Likewise, 'multiple nutrient deficiencies may result in hair loss' and patients who suffer from alopecia should be screened for such deficiencies, along with other medical investigations.

People who are dealing with baldness should know that there are some solutions for this problem, such as hair transplants, but of course it is better to prevent than to treat.

Taking small but sure steps for improving your diet and introducing healthier options will not only make you feel better but will also make you look better, from inside-out.

If you are passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle, you may want to monetise your passion. This can mean becoming a health coach or investing in a business that sells various natural foods and drinks. The health and wellness sector has been increasing in recent years in the UK, with the market value growing from €20.5bn (£17.2bn, $22.9bn) in 2015 to €23bn (£19bn, $25bn) in 2018, and a forecast to grow to €25bn (£20bn, $27.9bn) in 2020. When running a business, legal aid may be required for certain business purposes or for protection against business crime.

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